
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Life's little miracles...

When I first joined the Molecular ID lab in September last year, there were 3 pregnant women in this department and 2 others who were just coming back from maternity leave. This has made everyone very nervous about drinking the water in the lab... =)

Anna gave birth to little baby David Winslow Raymer one snowy day on February 26. Below are some pictures of Baby David:

A very pregnant Jennifer, Sue, MaryBeth, new mommy Anna, me, very pregnant Melinda and Jessica

David Winslow Raymer at 1 day old

I'm very proud to share the Diaper cake that MaryBeth and I made for Anna's baby shower... isn't it cute? =)

Hmmm, I wonder who will be the next one to get pregnant?

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