
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kindergarten Program

Julianna had a blast during her Kindergarten program today. She did very well singing with her friends, she made Mommy and Daddy very proud!

A short clip from Julianna's graduation program

After the program, the Kindergartners and their proud parents had a great picnic at the school playground. Julianna had so much fun at the water slides! We are very proud of what she has accomplished this school year!

Julianna with McKay...waiting for the celebration to start

Enjoying the water slide

Waiting in line with a fellow Kindergartner

Water limbo rock!

Daddy with a very wet Julianna

My "not so small anymore" baby!

with her teacher, Mrs. Phillips

with her classmate Sofia

After the school festivities, we went out to P.F. Chang's to celebrate Julianna's graduation. She was very happy with all her gifts, but the flowers from Uncle Alex really made her day.

The proud graduate and her flowers

Julianna with Nona, Tita, and a very sleepy Uncle Alex

Proud Parents!

Getting ready to open her presents!

This video clip was too precious that I just had to share it. On our way home today, Julianna was happily playing with the My Little Pony Teapot Palace that my sister gave her for a graduation present while singing her version of "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Opera. I will have to apologize for the poor video quality, I had to hide the camera because she really hates it when I try and take videos of her. The improvised lyrics makes it really special. She also uses "Yes!" instead of "Bravo!" which I thought was really amusing. She sings the melody like she hears it on the version (movie soundtrack) of the Phantom of the Opera that she listens to at home. She can really carry a tune, hopefully someday she will learn the right lyrics to the song. This video is for Julianna's Mamere!

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